Information for Incoming students

1. ECTS Within the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) the partner organizations undertake to recognize test units («credits») received by students abroad. Upon arrival these results will be considered at assignment to students of their degree. During the training you may receive additional certificates. See more at Grading system The numeric-rating system is basic system of estimation of students’ progress. All student’ s knowledge, skills and competences are estimated in points. The general assessment of student knowledge of academic discipline  is defined as the sum of the points, received during the all types of control of knowledge received. The absorption of each discipline studying per semester is assessed out of 100 rating points.
Name Sum of points Numerical equivalent 
Very good 86 — 100 5
Good 71-85 4
Sufficient 51-70 3
Failed 0-50 2
Both institutions agreed on grading system which will be used by both partners: Polish mark 5,0 corresponds to Russian mark 5, Polish mark 4,5 corresponds to Russian mark 4, Polish mark 4 corresponds to Russian mark 4, Polish mark 3,5 corresponds to Russian mark 3,  Polish mark 3 corresponds to Russian mark 3, Polish mark 2 corresponds to Russian mark 2. Visa Program participants from EU countries must apply for a visa. For receiving help in collecting necessary documents and registration of the visa you can apply for information in the center of the international cooperation. Ilicheva Olga — The Centre of International Cooperation e-mail: [email protected] Tel: +7 904 399 11 10 Accommodation  Incoming students are provided with hostel to the following addresses: Knyaginino, Oktyabrskaya str., h. 22 or Knyaginino, Agrarnaya str., h. 6. The cost of accommodation will vary depending on conditions. You can get more information getting in touch with our coordinator. Ilicheva Olga — The Centre of International Cooperation e-mail: [email protected] Tel: +7 904 399 11 10 Insurance Incoming students need to arrange  an insurance valid in RF. For receiving help in collecting necessary documents and registration of an insurance you can apply for information in the center of the international cooperation. Ilicheva Olga — The Centre of International Cooperation e-mail: [email protected] Tel: +7 904 399 11 10  Applying students should first send an e-mail to the NGIEU The Centre of International Cooperation with an expression of interest to participate in the mobility programme. Coordinator verifies possibilities to organize learning or training course and prepares a programme of the visit. After that an applicant should send by ordinary mail the following documents: – Application Form, – Letter of home university confirming the nomination of students for participation in Erasmus+ mobility programme, – ECTS Transcript of Records from his/her home university, – Filled-in forms of  Learning or Training Agreement (depending on the purpose of visit), – 2 photos, – photocopy of passport. Deadlines for submission of applicants: •  1st semester and the whole academic year: June 30th •  2nd semester: December 31st