Shamin Anatoliy Eugenievichis a rector of the state budgetary educational establishment of the higher education “Nizhniy Novgorod state engineering-economic university”.
He was born on the 22nd of August1958. The birthplace is Knyaginino, Gorky region. He is married, and he has two children. The education is high. His degree is the doctor of economic sciences and the professor.
He is awarded medals of the order «For merits before Fatherland» I and II degree; the medal «300 years to Russian fleet»; the medal «In memory of the 850 anniversary of Moscow»; medal «For merits in holding all-Russia population census»; medal of A. V. Chayanov; the diploma of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, the order «For contribution to enlightenment», honorary worker of higher professional education of the Russian Federation.
He started his career in 1973 as apprentice mechanic (Gorky bridge construction Department № 4). In parallel he graduated from the Gorky transport College in 1978.
From 1975 to 1985 — mechanic – engineer (Povolzhskiy state forest inventory enterprise); mechanic, engineer (Knyagininskiy district Association «Selkhoztekhnika»);
From 1979 to 1984 — the full-time student of the Gorky Agricultural Institute.
From 1984 to 1985 — Director of Knyagininskiy mezhkhozleskhoz (Gorky production Association «Gorky mezhkhozles);
From 1985 to 1990 — the Chairman of the Board of Knyagininskiy RAIPO;
From 1989 to 1992 – the internal post-graduate student of the Gorky Agricultural Institute;
From 1992 to 1996 — General Director of Closed joint-stock agriculture society «Pravda»;
From 1996 to 2005 — the head of the local government of Knyagininskiy district;
From 1993 – pedagogical work in Nizhny Novgorod state agricultural Academy;
From December 2005 till present times three times he was elected to the post of rector of the University. Under his leadership, it was prepared and issued eight editions of highly qualified young specialists – economists and managers and six issues of engineers of agricultural complexes which work in the enterprises in rural areas.
Total work experience is 34 years 5 months. Work experience in the field of education and science is 22 years; in the post of rector of NGIEI is 10 years.
The biggest achievement was the opening of the Nizhniy Novgorod state engineering-economic institute in Knyaginino in 2002.
In December 2014 Institute became the University that is multi-tiered, multidisciplinary educational complex and has a cluster structure. It is located at 4 different territories of the region: the town Knyaginino, working village Vorotynets, village Vasilsursk, the city Nizhny Novgorod.
The total quantity of students is over 5 thousand people.
Educational activity is carried out in 2 faculties and two institutes (as faculties):
– Economic faculty;
– Faculty of informational technologies and net systems;
– Engineering Institute;
– Institute of transport, service and tourism.
Since 2011 the structure of the University includes a branch in Nizhny Novgorod, created by attaching Nizhny Novgorod technological College. After joining in October 2012, Nizhny Novgorod College of technology and design branch called «Institute of food technologies and design — a branch of GBOU VPO NGIEU».
Structural units of the University are educational centers: the Center of driver’s training, the Center of applied qualifications and employment of graduates, the certified training Center of users of software products «1C»; the Centre of energy audit; the Centre which is a networking Academy «Cisco» and others.
The University prepares specialists for different industrial branches. Annually the University receives more than 900 applicants from districts of Nizhny Novgorod region and neighboring regions. The vast majority of them (96%) were the graduates of rural municipalities and small towns.
The University has a system consisting of several education subsystems, which are:
– Professional training (training of workers of mass professions);
– Professional secondary education (programmes of training of skilled workers, civil servants; the training of mid-level professionals);
– Higher education (training of undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate programs);
– Additional professional education (retraining and advanced training).
These programs fully satisfy the social needs in getting a quality education while maintaining its accessibility.
As a graduated of the «School of agrarian economists», Altukhov I. A., Dobrynin V. A. and Gataulina A. M., F. K. Shakirov, Anatoly Eugenyevich spearhead the scientific school «Organization of management of economic systems in agriculture», where the main direction of scientific activity is the agrarian economy, local government, cooperation and integration.
It was published 178 scientific and educational — methodical works, including 12 monographs. Under the leadership of Anatoly Eugenyevich it was defended 16 dissertations on competition of a scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences and 2 dissertations on competition of a scientific degree of Doctor of Science.
Anatoly Eugenyevich Shamin takes an active part in the work of state, public and scientific organizations. He is the head of the agricultural section of the Nizhny Novgorod regional branch of the Free economic society of Russia; member of the expert Council at the Plenipotentiary of the President in Privolzhsky Federal district for the implementation of the national project of agricultural development; member of the Russian and regional councils of rectors; member of the Collegium of the Ministry of education in Nizhny Novgorod region.